

What is a Reprint?

A reprint is a copy of an article or advertisement. They are available exactly as originally printed, on 70# glossy paper, in multiples of 100 up to a total number of 300. Reprints can be ordered in black and white or full color, and can be customized with additional typesetting, logos and covers.

Reprints in IJCMCR

IJCMCR takes the opportunity in providing its authors with the advantage of availing the reprints of their published articles at a reasonable price. All author reprints will be either colour/black n white. The reprints are used to portray the essence of a particular research to any targeted audience at interviews, conferences, seminars and any invited talks.

Our reprint service will provide you with print copies or E-prints of the requested articles. All the reprints will be an exact duplication of the original article, printed in the form of a brochure.

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