1Laboratory of Integrated Physiology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Carthage, Tunisia
2Laboratory of Dynamic Systems and applications UR17ES21, University of Carthage, Tunisia
3BESTConseil Office. DR Center, Tunisia
4Laboratory of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology, University of Badji Mokhtar, Algeria
Received Date: 14/09/2020; Published Date: 14/10/2020
*Corresponding author: Pr Hafedh Abdelmelek, Université de Carthage, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021 Jarzouna, Tunisia. E-mail: Hafedh.Abdelmelek@fsb.rnu.tn
Our previous theories and research based on emo intelligence equation suggested that Eukaryotes (Human or Animal) and Prokaryotes (bacteria or virus as SARS-COV2) could interact via different mechanisms to maintain health. Interestingly, the interpretation of emointelligence equation based on Emotion (E) and Intelligence (I) of Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes in the case of Log (EEuk/EProk)=0 show positive values of Log (IEuk/IProk) near 10 and EEuk/EProk=1. In addition, good health could be related to the stability of the ratio (R) of E Eukaryotes/ E Prokaryotes around 1. In addition, calculation of maximum values of α(+6) indicate that IEuk/IProk=1012. By contrast, when alpha have negative values α(-6), the equation gives IEuk/IProk= 10-6. By looking for possible interaction between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes we attempt to introduce, an innovative therapeutically tools against COVID-19 in Humans and Animals called Eukaryote-Prokaryotestability and probably explain the heterogeneity of body responses to different virus such as SARS-COV-2.
Keywords: Emotion; Intelligence; Eukaryote; Prokaryote; Entanglement; SARS-COV-2
The present manuscript aims to propose a mathematical interpretation of emo intelligence equation applied to Eukaryote and Prokaryote in the different cases of COVID-19 by i) thinking out of the box and ii) by introducing key notions at the level of neurosciences, physiology, mathematical and physical fields. Further motivations come from the failure of methodologies or theory able to understand Prokaryote-Eukaryote interactions and their implication in health and disease context. Previous research points the existence of interactions in living organisms, particularly between Animal or Human cells and viruses, bacteria [1]. Quantum biology and quantum medicine refers to a few number of Prokaryote-Eukaryote theories. Nowadays, we can consider a concept of a“quantum information: QI” ‘governing the work and mechanism of living system based on emointelligence equation between Eukaryotes (Human and Animal) and Prokaryotes (bacteria, parasites, virus like SARS-COV-2, etc) [2,3]. One might envisage natural quantum mechanisms that link nature, plant, Animal, Human, and universe as previously described by our concept named One Nature One Emotion One Health where atoms and especially emotions are rearranged by entanglement mechanisms [3,4]. Health could be understood as living systems coherence or harmony [5] especially the ratio Eukaryote/Prokaryote. The debate has now shifted from the question of whether quantum coherence and tunneling are involved in Prokaryote-Eukaryote mechanisms to the role played by entanglement in harmony or health.
The good health could be associated to the stability or equilibrium between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes values giving a Ratio (R) near one. A probable entanglement between Prokaryote, Eukaryote, and environment could control this ratio stability. Thus, every disruption induce different ratio values such as ratio <1 or ratio>1. Interestingly, Emointelligence equation provides the basic mathematical framework for entanglement between Prokaryote-Eukaryote and explain in part the disease genesis. We can discuss the reactivity’s of viruses in living cells using mechanisms as RFID tools (Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Devices ), that explain in part why some people develop diseases and other people remain healthy. The mathematical resolution of emointelligence equation could be based on three values (R<1, R=1, R>1) of the ratio of Emotion of Eukaryotes and Emotion of Prokaryotes. Emotion could modulate the interaction of Prokaryote-Eukaryote during stress, xenobiotic exposure, and electromagnetic field exposure such as WIFI, GSM or food.
Nowadays, we believe that emointelligence algorithm describe good health with a harmony between E Euk and E Prok and gives an entangled state whereas diseases results for disharmony between E Euk and E Prok and bad interactions or entanglement linked to far and near environment. When Euk cannot entangle with Prokit is impossible to cells to share the same algorithmsin order to maintain ratio near to one. The entanglement supposes that the first group Euk must be separated from the second group Prok. More generally, a pool of emotion, algorithm and health might be fundamental for interaction of Euk (Human or Animal) and Prok (SARS-COV-2) rules to maintain good health in both species. Coronavirus is one of the major pathogens that primarily target the Human respiratory system. Previous outbreaks of coronaviruses (CoVs) include the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-CoV that have been previously characterized as agents that are a great public health threat. Interestingly, patients infected with COVID-19 showed higher body temperature of 39.0 °C, leukocyte numbers, abnormal respiratory findings, and increased levels of plasma pro-inflammatory cytokines. Significantly high blood levels of cytokines and chemokines were noted in patients with COVID-19 infection that included IL1-β, IL1RA, IL7, IL8, IL9, IL10, basic FGF2, GCSF, GMCSF, IFNγ, IP10, MCP1, MIP1α, MIP1β, PDGFB, TNFα, and VEGFA. Some of the severe cases that were admitted to the intensive care unit showed high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL2, IL7, IL10, GCSF, IP10, MCP1, MIP1α, and TNFα that are reasoned to promote disease severity [6]. In addition, SARS-COV-2 induces hypoxia associated to an increase of erythropoiesis and we note high values of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. Given that, leucocystosis and erythrocytosis during COVID-19 disease [6] try to correct the total number of Euk cells compared to SARS-COV-2 number in order to maintain the ratio near 1.
Future directions to control the spread of the disease must be based to extensive measures to reduce person-to-person transmission of SARS-COV-2 are required to control the current outbreak. Special attention and efforts to protect or reduce transmission should be applied in susceptible populations including children, health care providers, and elderly people. The early death cases of COVID-19 outbreak occurred primarily in elderly people, possibly due to a weak immune system that permits faster progression of viral infection and the ratio is low than 1.
Theoretical foundations
Equation (1) IProk= εEProkα TProk- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- (Eq1)
Equation (2) IEuk= ε EEukα TEuk - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -(Eq2)
(Eq2)/ (Eq1) IEuk/IProk=TEuk/TProk*(EEuk/EProk) α
Constante 1 of TEuk/TProk= 3.1510^10
Log IEuk/IProk=Log (3.1510^10) + αLog (EEuk/EProk)
f(x)= Log (3.1510^10) + αLog(x)
I: Intelligence or Innovation, T: Time, E: Emotion, α: Factor and ε: coefficient, Euk: Eukaryote, c: Prokaryote.
I: Intelligence or Innovation, E: Emotion.
Interestingly, the interpretation of emointelligence equation when Log (EEuk/EProk) =0 show positive values of Log (IEuk/IProk) near 10 and EEuk/EProk=1 indicating a management of algorithm in Euk and Prok leading to good health in Human or Animal. In addition, calculation of α values (-6, 0,+6) indicate that IEuk/IProkexplain health or disease status (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Graphical representation of emo intelligence equation applied to Prokaryote ( Prok) and Eukaryote (Euk).I: Intelligence or Innovation, E: Emotion.
By looking for possible interaction between lungs, heart, intestine we attempt to introduce an innovative concept called Prokaryote and Eukaryote entanglement. Prokaryote-Eukaryote provides space-time model that correlates for algorithm stability in all emotional or intellectual processes. This present manuscript suggests that connectedness to nature or universe is one mechanism through which cells receive QI in different ways based on alpha values (-6, 0, +6). If alpha values are positive near +6 we have an efficient entanglement. By contrast, with negative alpha values near -6 we have difficult or impossible entanglement. However, recent research demonstrate the existing of signals (QI) or information that circulate only between living systems in nature [7,8,3] in order to explain the real significance of disease compared to health.
Our theories pointed to the existence of possible connectivness between Prokaryote and Eukaryoteto maintain ratio values near 1, indicating that Prokaryote-Eukaryote provides algorithm stability and health status.