
Technogenic Factors and Their Consequences

Salimov Y*

Department of Veterinary Surgery, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Received Date: 03/08/2020; Published Date: 19/08/2020

*Corresponding author: Salimov Yunus, Department of Veterinary Surgery, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. E-mail: salimov.yunus61@mail.ru

DOI: 10.46998/IJCMCR.2020.03.000067


The article examines in detail the pathological processes that occur as a result of the impact of harmful technogenic factors on the environment and living organisms, based on these data, the necessary concusions are made.

Keywords: Anthropogen; Technogen; Industrial Waste; Pesticide; Fluorosis; Carcinogen; Mutagen; Neurotoxic; Hematotoxic; Hepatotoxic; Nephratoxic


Today, the issue of Ecology and food remains one of the global problems that worries the entire world.

Techno-factors also occur as a result of their influence on nature by humans and have their harmful effects on the environment, the animal world and the quality of the products of consumption. In order to develop production in the industry, as a result of the introduction of chemical technological processes into various spheres of the national economy, conditions are created for real pollution of the environment. In the latter years, in the regions, as a result of the depletion of industrial raw materials and the processes of their processing, a large number of harmful toxic wastes are released into the atmosphere, causing it to be polluted. [6].

A number of poisonous substances accumulate in the composition of the feed, and in the end such products are used for the consumption of animals and humans. According to the entire World Health Organization, in the next 25 years on earth, the incidence of cancer has increased by 4 times. [4]. Annually add million-million tons of mineral fertilizers and pesticides to crop fields llanilmokda.Ma judging by the information, the volume of production of pesticides exceeds 3 thousand tons per year. [7]. The number of extractive chemical compounds produced in the chemical industry is now more than 500 thousand, and about 40 thousand of them are harmful to humans and animals. And the most sad of all is that in the composition of chemical compounds up to 12 thousand of them there are toxic substances that affect heredity. [1].

For the extraction of every ton of coal from the shahts, about 20-24 tons of water was spent at the end. During the year, the amount of 2.5 billion m3 of contaminated dirty water from coal mines was extracted to the surface of the earth with the help of pumps. [9]. The fact that water content exceeds the norm of various harmful substances, causes an increase in the sensitivity of underwater animals to it, as well as the occurrence of various degrees of poisoning among them, indicates its negative impact on environmental processes [10,11]. As a result of the drying of the Aral Sea water, the level of salting of the land increased by 10 times. As a result, this situation accelerated the meeting of soil erosion. Currently, about 2 billion hectares of land have been lost due to erosion. [2]. The total pollution of the atmosphere by harmful modern techno-factors amounted to 4 billion tons, of which the main pollutants are aerosols and gases, while 300-500 million tons corresponds to the quality of harmful skis. [8]. The main sources of anthropogenic waste into the atmosphere are thermal energy and industrial producers, oil and gas processing enterprises and vehicles. Sulphur and nitrogen oxides, which are industrial wastes, are stored in the atmosphere for up to 15 days, as long as during this time the wind can fly them at a distance of 1000 km. It is also possible that in this case one state will remain a source of constant contamination of the second state.

At present, there are many causes of pollution of the atmosphere from vehicles and exhaust sources. In the world there are about 1 billion cars, and in the composition of their exhaust gases there are about 500 organic, toxic compounds, among which about 40 percent of their representatives have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on the body. [1]. Heavy metals are one of the most polluting factors of the current atmosphere. The damage occurs mainly from the deposition of cadmium, zinc, copper substances, as well as various wastes in the Ovens. The station, which has the capacity to generate 1 million kW of thermal energy, produces about 1 kg of mercury and 0,1 kg of arsenic emissions into the atmosphere, from the burning of coal at a rate of 1000 tons per day. [3]. In the end, all such harmful substances accumulate in the biosphere, which subsequently leads to the emergence of various diseases, when they enter the body of humans and animals through food products, drinking water and air. Because these substances contain neurotoxic, hematotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephratoxic, konserogen, mutagenic and traumatizing properties of respiratory organs, which are harmful to the body. [1].

Mainly due to the effects of a number of harmful wastes separated from industrial enterprises, nitrogen ammonium, nitrogen nitrati and nitrite as well as ammonia cause acute and chronic poisoning in the body. Fluoride has a cumulative property in the body, manifesting the effects of fluorosis, hydrogen fluoride on reproductive activity, ganadotoxic and embryotoxic, mutagenic. And sulfur dioxide disrupts the activity of the central nervous system and blood-producing organs in the body. Nitrogen and uglerod oxides call for poisoning and show its embryotoxic effect on the fetus. Inorganic pollen carries and distributes microbes and eggs of vomiting. As a result, it removes allergies and oncological diseases. Mineralization processes occurring from water pollution also have their negative effects on the body. As a result, it leads to a violation of the process of metabolism in the body. In particular, as a result of an increase in the content of copper ions and copper in the water, there are cases of kidney failure, yellow disease and allergies in the body. Also from the increase in phenols and sulfates in the Water leads to allergies, cancer, violation of metabolism, as well as a decrease in sexual activity.

The main part of the chemical toxicants enters the body through the respiratory tract, digestive system, skin and mucous membranes. In high amounts, these chemical wastes and harmful fumes can manifest negative effects on the body of livestock and poultry such as its concealmentogen, teratogen, embryotoxic and allergic. As a result, various homogeneous pathological processes take place in the body. In particular: diseases of the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system organs, disorders in metabolism, diseases of the genital organs, poisoning, parasitic and hereditary diseases arise. As a result of the action of chemical toxicants, various pathological processes also occur in the immune system and reproductive activity of animals. In particular, it leads them to an increase in their immunodepressive effect on the immune system, a decrease in overall resistance in the body and an increase in their susceptibility to infectious diseases of animals in places. [5].

In the reproductive activity of animals, however, with a decrease in procreation, there are cases of death during the later development of the Born generation, infertility and infertility among female animals, and in male animals, such diseases as testicular dabbling occur. [7]. Chemical toxicants are the main organs that accumulate in the body of animals: the liver, spleen, heart muscle, Wicker, lungs, fat deposits, muscle tissue, teeth and bone tissue, in the composition of blood, in the mammary glands and in the calculation of the mass of the stomach. [5]. The decrease in the norm of protein, carotene, phosphorus, Reserve alkali and kaltsium substances necessary for the body of animals, especially under the influence of harmful industrial wastes, has a negative effect on the productivity of animals naturally and on the quality of products obtained from them.



  • Harmful wastes lead to diseases of the respiratory system, digestive, metabolism disorders, genitourinary and reproductive organs, as well as poisoning, among the livestock are flyuorozes, osteomalacia, hereditary diseases, nervous system, respiratory system diseases.
  • Increases the permeability of harmful chemical toxicants to the immune system, due to their immunodepressive effect, a decrease in overall resistance in the body to infectious diseases of animals.
  • With a decrease in the reproductive activity of animals, procreation occurs, which causes infertility and infertility among female animals, and in male animals such diseases as testicular dabbling.
  • As a result of the contamination of water with various wastes, a high level of its mineralization process leads to a violation of the processes of metabolism in the body of animals. To avoid such situations, it is desirable to use bex-1 water heater equipment.
  • Industrial waste and gas processing, the creation of a cleaning system based on modern technologies, the ecology of the environment and the environment in it, in relation to the living organism, creates a ground for the elimination of harmful effects.
  • Constant monitoring of the quality indicators of consumer products produced in the agricultural and livestock sectors, in terms of Veterinary sanitation, guarantees the receipt of various diseases encountered among the population.


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